They both mean two, but when do I use 二 and when do I use 两?
二 (èr) Is for Numbers The digit "2" is 二 (èr).
This is used generally in numbers, when counting to ten, giving out a phone number, and so on. Unlike 两 (liǎng), 二 (èr) is NOT used to say there are "two" of something and does not generally occur with measure words by itself. Numbers like 十二 (12) (shí'èr) and 二十二 (22) (èrshí-èr) end with a "2" and can still be combined with measure words. In those cases, 两 (liǎng) is not needed.
Here are some common examples of 二 (èr) in action:
第 二dì-èr#2; second
第 二 个dì-èr gèthe second one
第 二 次dì-èr cìthe second time
二月ÈryuèFebruary (the second month)
二 号èr hào#2; the second (of the month)
二 号 线èr hào xiànLine 2 (of the metro)
二 楼èr lóusecond floor
十二 块 钱shí'èr kuài qián12 RMB
二 十 块 钱èrshí kuài qián20 RMB
二 十 二 个 人èrshí-èr gè réntwenty-two people
When specifying quantities (and using measure words to do it), 两 (liǎng) is used. This is when you want to say "two of something" or "both."
Here are some common examples of 两 (liǎng) in action:
两 个 小时liǎng gè xiǎoshítwo hours
两 点liǎng diǎn2 o'clock
两 天liǎng tiāntwo days
两 个 星期liǎng gè xīngqītwo weeks
两 个 月liǎng gè yuètwo months
两 年liǎng niántwo years
两 次liǎng cìtwo times / twice
两 块 钱liǎng kuài qián2 kuai / 2 RMB
两百 note: 二百 (èrbǎi) is also acceptable.liǎngbǎi200
两千liǎng qiān2,000
我 两 个 都 要 。Wǒ liǎng gè dōu yào.I want both of them.
Source:Chinese Grammar Wiki
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